It has been a little while since I have done a post due to work in other modules and it being Christmas. I have done some work fixing some bugs in the current building system created as well as some thought into map design.
A few bugs had to be fixed regarding the building system created last time. The first bug occured when going to create a building when it was already working on another building. The selected unit would go to the building that it was told to build like it should however, it then didn't stop building the first building causing a bug of two buildings being built at one time.
Another bug occured with the sort of queue system that was created when the player tries to create multiple buildings. For some reason it kept removing the planned buildings from that units list and just carried on like it was searching for nearby buildings. The nearby building section itself had a small fix made to it by making it pick the closer buildings rather the ones further away.
The final work done on my project over the past few weeks planning the map design and how that is going to be done. As the next step is to work on allowing the player to gather resources. Resources are placed around the map, and in most RTS games maps are randomly generated by spawning a resources around, and clearing out areas that can represent bases. Then finally allowing paths between the bases to be formed. This map design I hadn't considered in my proposal, and it would be something I am keen to add at somepoint, but perhaps it will be put towards the end of development as a could have, and for now remain with a static map that I create. This helps as my focus of my project is still on the AI, and further spending time on other aspects defeats my main purpose.
Over the next couple of weeks the plan is to get a basic gathering system created, a proper unit training system and then to start work on a combat system and basic AI.